- 2023年11月1日
“ AWT FOCUS 平衡世界 日本のアート、戦後から今日まで ” 2023.11.2(thu) - 11.5(sun)
WORLDS IN BALANCE: ART IN JAPAN FROM THE POSTWAR TO THE PRESENT Curated by Kenjiro Hosaka A new curated sales platform with a historical...
- 2023年5月25日
“ decay, remains ” 2023.5.27(sat) - 6.24(sat)
decay, remains KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY is pleased to announce the opening of Kanji Hasegawa’s Solo Exhibition, decay, remains, on...
- 2023年4月27日
“ Now on the road ” 2023.4.29(sat) - 5.7(sun)
Now on the road We are pleased to announce the exhibition "Now on the road" by kanji Hasegawa. Hasegawa's work is influenced by punk rock...