Group Show CADAN“ Micro Salon ” 2024.12.11(wed) - 12.29(sun)
Micro Salon ミクロサロン この度、CADAN主催の展覧会「ミクロサロン」を開催いたします。かつて12月に東京画廊が実施していた同タイトルの展覧会を継承した企画で、CADANメンバーギャラリーから選りすぐりの小作品をサロンスタイルで展示いたします。2024年の締...
Group Show CADAN“ Contemporary Manners ” 2024.12.10(tue) - 12.20(fri)
Group Show CADAN “Contemporary Manners” 松坂屋名古屋店本館8階美術フロアの全面リニューアルを記念した展覧「Contemporary Manners」に参加しています。 名古屋へお出かけの際は是非お立ち寄りください。...
“ SIGN展 ” 2024.11.1(fri.) - 11.10(mon)
展示について 現代社会は「シミュラークルが先行する」時代と呼ばれます。これは、オリジナルの存在から切り離されたコピーが循環する世界を指します。私たちは長年、大衆娯楽のための立体造形制作に携わってきました。この分野もシミュラークルの一部で、常に新しい虚構世界が生み出されていま...
“ WHAT CAFE EXHIBITION vol.38:Gigs and Hobbies:美術実践の日常風景 ” 2024.10.30(wed) - 11.10(sun)
Gigs and Hobbies: The Everyday in Art Practice WHAT CAFEでは2024年10月30日(水)から11月10日(日)までの期間「WHAT CAFE EXHIBITION vol.38:ギグス・アンド・ホビーズ:美術実践の日常...
“ AMTEUR vol3 ” 2024.4.5(fri) - 6.6(thu)
AMTEUR vol3 We are delighted to announce that in the upcoming AMATEUR vol3 exhibition, we will be featuring the works of two painters and...
“ decay, remains ” 2023.5.27(sat) - 6.24(sat)
decay, remains KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY is pleased to announce the opening of Kanji Hasegawa’s Solo Exhibition, decay, remains, on...
“ Now on the road ” 2023.4.29(sat) - 5.7(sun)
Now on the road We are pleased to announce the exhibition "Now on the road" by kanji Hasegawa. Hasegawa's work is influenced by punk rock...
“ Visionaries: Making Another Perspective / 跳躍するつくり手たち ” 2023.3.9(thu) - 6.4(sun)
野間真吾 NOMA Inc. Visionaries: Making Another Perspective Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art is delighted to be hosting this Special...
“ The Age of Not Believing ” 銀座 蔦屋書店 2023.2.25(sat) - 3.17(fri)
At the current exhibition, "The Age of Not Believing" at Ginza Tsutaya, we will exhibit 12 works, including 6 new works from the Koka...
“ Têmporas/テンプラ ” 2022.9.22(thu) - 10.29(sat)
Opening on September 21, Sokyo Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal is excited to present Têmporas/テンプラ, a playful and humorous group exhibition with...
“ AS SEEN BY ” 2022.8.26(fri) - 29(mon)
“ AS SEEN BY ” The world touring exhibition "AS SEEN BY" gives a new perspective on RIMOWA's most iconic material, aluminum. The...
【exhibition】“ STORAGE ” 2021.11.3(wed) - 7(sun)
“STORAGE” I will participate in an exhibition called "STORAGE" from November 3 in Kyoto. This exhibition is also a satellite program of...
【exhibition】“ Plastering and Sculpture.Earth and Wood. ” 2021.9.22(wed) - 28(tue)
“The Work of Plasterer Kenji Matsuki and the World of Sculptor kanji Hasegawa” Period: September 22 (Wed) ~ September 28 (Tue) [last day...
【exhibition】“ Some kinda freedom ” 2021.3.6(sat) - 4.10(sat)
Ryuhei Yokoyama × Kanji Hasegawa “Some kinda freedom” ■Period March 6th (Saturday), 2021 - April 3rd (Saturday), 2021 *extended until...